Physical characteristic of the cairn terrier
Origin: Scotland
Group: FCI Terrier Group
Section: Small-sized Terriers
Head : broad, powerful snout and jaws strong
Eyes: Medium and wide apart, dark hazel colo
rEars : erect, small and pintues
Coat: hard, thick and rough
Tail: shor
tColor: gray, brindle, sand, Rous, black mask
Height: 26-31 cm
Weight: 6 to 10 kg
History of the cairn terrier
It is an ancient breed of dog, a Scottish terrier known to the twelfth century. The cairn is a primitive type of dog breed derived from cross between the Highlands and the Swedish valhund. Currently, the cairn terrier is very widespread in Europe.
Cairn terrier character
The Cairn terrier is an intelligent dog breed, but requires a strict upbringing because it is often stubborn. Cohabitation with other pets sometimes is monitored closely even though at first socialization is already done.
This little dog loves to play. He always wants we have fun with it and that concerns him. He gets along well with children but it is best not to leave him alone with the baby or too small age children.
The cairn terrier often shows as dominant, he wants to be the king in the house and does not show suspicious. With other dogs, if something does not suit him, he gets to declare a fight.
This little dog is curious and likes to make a discovery, he often interested in new things.
The cairn terrier is a good hunter.
Health and maintenance of cairn terrier
The cairn terrier is a rustic and robust dog. He has no particular health problem.This dog does not need frequent brushing once every week would be enough.His hair should not be too short to be plucked.His life span is about 13 years.
Price cairn terrier
LOF price of a cairn terrier puppy ranges from 500 to 1800 € in France
Physical characteristic of the Labrador Retriever
Other names: Labrador retriever, Retriever de labrador
Origin: England and canada
Group: Report of Dogs, Flushing Dogs, Water Dogs
Section: Game Rapporteur
Head : off with a pronounced stop. powerful and strong neck.
Eyes: Medium size with an almond or hazelnut color
Ears: Drooping and tied back
Hair: Short
Tail: thick
Color: Red, white cream, black, brown
Size: Male 56-57 cm female 54-56 cm
Weight: 30 kg
Physical characteristic of Chinese hairless dog
Other names: Dogs Chinese Crested, Powder-Puff Chinese Crested Dog
Origin: Chinese
Varieties: Dogs naked Chinese, and Chinese dogs with hair
Group: Pet Dogs
Section: Hairless Dogs
HAIR: (hairless dogs) hairs found only on the head, the tail and the lower parts of the legs. (Dogs with hair "Powder-Puff") Presence of hair covered in soft bristles.
Color: This breed has no feature for colors.
Size: male = 28-33 cm, female = 23 to 30 cm
Physical characteristic of the Poodle
Origin: France
Other names: Barbone, Poodle
Group: Companion Dog
Section: Poodle
Head: well proportioned to the torso and also a straight skull.
Eyes: medium size
Tail: tied up
Hair: Curly
Color: White, Grey, Black, Brown, orange fawn, red fawn
Variety: 1) general, 2) medium, 3) and 4 dwarf) Toy or miniature
Size: 1) from 45 to 60 cm
2) from 35 to 45 cm
3) from 28 to 35 cm
4) from 24 to 28 cm
Weight: 6 to 23 kg depending on size.
Physical characteristic of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel?php>
Origin: United-Kingdom
Other names: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, English Toy Spaniel
Group: Companion and toy dog group
Section: English Toy Spaniel
Varieties: black-tan, blenheim, tricolor, ruby
Hair: He has long silky hair, no loop
Colors : depending on the variety of the spaniel, black and late-tan to black, deep red to ruby and brown with a white background for the tricolor or Blenheim.
Size: male (25 to 34 cm); female (25 to 32 cm)
Weight: 5.5 kg to 8 kg.
Head: Skull flat with the presence of a stop to heightened pain.
Eyes: set well apart with a dark color.
Ears: Long and tied up about 35cm.
Tail: Long and well proportioned in relation to his body.
Physical characteristic of Bullmastiff
Origin: Great Britain
Group: Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossoid and Swiss Mountain Dogs
Section: Molossoid breeds
Eyes: Dark or hazel
Ears: drooping for each side
Hair: Short
Colour: black or brindle.
Size: Male 63.5 to 68.5 cm; Female 61-66 cm
Weight: Male from 50 to 59 kg; Female 41 to 50 kg
Physical characteristic of the Bull Terrier
Variety: a) miniature size; b) standard size
Other names : Bully, English Bull Terrier, The White Cavalier, Gladiator
Origin: Great Britain
Group: Terrier
Section: Bull type Terrier
Head : ovoid
Eyes: black, dark, triangular
Ears: straight
Hair: Short
Color: stained white or pure white, fawn, tricolor, brindle.
Size: a) maximum 35.5 cm b) from 35 to 50 cm
Weight: 20 to 40 kg
Physical characteristic of the German Shepherd
Origin: Germany
Other names: Alsatian Shepherd, Deutscher Schäferhund, German Shepherd Dog
Group: Dogs of shepherds and cowherds
Section: Sheepdogs
Eyes: dark, oblique. almonds
Head: Cuneiform
Tail: drooping and slightly curved
Ears erect, slightly pointed tip, medium size
Coat: Long or short hair with sub
Color: Black with red or yellow brown to light gray
Size: Male 60-65 cm female 55-60 cm
Weight: Male 30 to 40 kg, female 22 to 32kg
Physical characteristic of Rottweiler
Origin: Germany
Other names: Rott, German drover, butcher dog rottweil
Group: Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossoid and Swiss cowherds
Section: Molossoid
Eyes: medium size, brown.
head: broad, flat
Tail: pending saber
Ears: Triangular averages.
Coat: smooth, hard, medium length
Color: Black Fire
Size: Male 61-68 cm female 56-63 cm
Weight: Male 50 kg, 42 kg female