German Shepherd

Physical characteristic of the German Shepherd

Origin: Germany
Other names: Alsatian Shepherd, Deutscher Schäferhund, German Shepherd Dog
Group: Dogs of shepherds and cowherds
Section: Sheepdogs
Eyes: dark, oblique. almonds
Head: Cuneiform
Tail: drooping and slightly curved
Ears erect, slightly pointed tip, medium size
Coat: Long or short hair with sub
Color: Black with red or yellow brown to light gray
Size: Male 60-65 cm female 55-60 cm
Weight: Male 30 to 40 kg, female 22 to 32kg

History of the German Shepherd

The race appeared around 1899 with a cavalry captain Max Emil Frederic Von Stephanitz. And this is Von Stephanitz and Arthur Meyer who created the club after. The standard first appeared September 28, 1899.


The German Shepherd is a dog breed very robust and intelligent. It is a very affectionate breed of dog and attached to his master. Loves to play ball and let him run with. He gets along well with children and the elderly. It is a good watchdog and also be useful for a guide dog for the blind.

Health and care

The German shepherd is robust and resistant breed of dog. It can live in an apartment, because it is clean, but can also live outside, no matter the season. But needs to go out from time to time to run in the garden or in the wild. He also needs regular exercise to keep fit.
His life expectancy is on average about 13 year

Usefulness of the German Shepherd

- Dog guide blind
- Master-Dog Dog
- Sheepdogs and herding
